Welcome aboard to the musical world of See Your Shadow; an award-winning musical collaborative based out of Phoenix, Arizona. The group was founded and is run by songwriter and prodigious producer, Michael “The Metropolitan Cowboy” Coleman. See Your Shadow has been turning heads on the music landscape having achieved 5 Number 1’s on the iTunes Country Singles Chart in South Africa and was named the group of the year by The International Music Association.
The immensely talented group has continued their prodigious ascension in the industry and this has led to features in many media outlets and some of their work has been featured in film, television, and even at sporting events. Coming through with their unique writing style and top-notch quality of their productions; this is their latest smash single “Simple Special Moment” which is set to be officially released on the 28th January 2022. This is an astoundingly mesmerizing track that dazzles with its undeniable up-tempo and feel-good vibe that makes it a certified contemporary hit country song.
Opening with an infectious solo guitar string, “Simple Special Moment” brings a bubbly reminiscent feel to its country groove. The high energy instantly gets to you as the pulsating feel is called to order with the artistic blend of the acoustic guitar, bass guitar, electric guitars, and the drums all filling the air with radiant joy and colorful excitement. The twanging vocals are the proverbial icing on the cake and the capstone of this exceptionally crafted song. Candidly expressive, the colorful lyrics walk the line between entirely emotional honesty lyricism and having an insightful meaning. They are sung with a comprehensible brightness that radiates a cowboy feel perfect for country.
Reinforcing the vocals, the charming electrified guitars and formidable drums take the melody by the hand to turn the chorus into an earworm. This is what See Your Shadows are able to deliver when they jump on the studio, showering listeners with nostalgic vibes and driving the tune with striking groove and orchestration while shaking listeners to the bone with the deliciously expressive vocals.
This track started as a scribble on a cocktail napkin and while having a couple of drinks, the line in the chorus that goes, “the smell of bacon filled my nose” came to Coleman and drawing inspiration from such vivid imagery, the rest flawed and here we have a full-composed track that is shining with melodic maturity and overflowing with stylistic impact. This track is going to capture significant attention for See Your Shadow and will place itself at the top of major charts without a doubt. Get it exclusively here before its official release and try to contain yourself at such inundating emotions you’re likely to experience from the stunning musicianship on display!
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