Music Reviews

Aria Is Back With Another Unforgettable, Indescribably Beautiful and Marvelous New Single Titled, “Lady in White”

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Influencing more people by the glorious power of his example in advocating for the conservation of nature’s most luminous gifts- the environment and wildlife; Mariano Schiavolini who goes by the professional stage name of Aria is exactly what the world needs right at this moment. Aria’s inspiration is truly in his potential and how empowering he is for the listener. What do you wish to experience? Ask yourself that in all honesty and listen to Aria’s music!

His music carries universal lessons that are positive and profoundly applicable to life. His inspirational ensemble fluidly blends progressive rock, soul, and eventful live orchestras with transcendent messages of conservation of the environment and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. “Lady in White” and “The Next Life” were released as a double single to critical acclaim and they are quickly becoming a staple in online listening communities with “The Next Life” boasting of over 9 K and “Lady in White” over 1.2 K Spotify streams in such a short period since they were released!

These two releases are actually in celebration of and have been endorsed by, Earth day which is in April 22nd so as to bring light to the cruel conditions animals are being subjected to. They also continue to further Aria’s humanitarian work as an avid environmentalist and advocate for various animal associations including Animals Asia Foundation.

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“Lady in White” is a spectacular melodic splendor that takes that near-mystic quality right from the intro with the piano swing escorted gloriously with the background guitar solo and the bass rhythm that stakes its majority claim in the influential beat. Aria’s voice strokes a listener’s ears in all the glamorous ways there are. There is something special and magical about those vocals that you really can’t get enough off!

This is a piece of genre-denying music and appeals right to a wide board of listeners as it offers soothing, soul-like reassurances with the lead and background vocals, the sureness of the harmonies, and the clarity of the cadence. The piano is in direct service to the emotions present in the lyrics.

The simple yet powerful message of “Lady in White” speaks to the soul. A subtle phrase is treated to every imaginable variation with single verses blooming into a menagerie of cadenced harmony creating that grand effect and the only regrettable thing about this tune is that it comes to an end!

To indulge in its superb grandeur; follow the attached link, stream this tune, save it as a favorite, share it, and stay a little longer to explore Aria’s majestic catalog!



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