Doc and Mary Murphy, the dynamic duo behind Everywhere Worship, have forged a unique movement that transcends borders and brings together singers from diverse cities and countries. Their vision to create a unified sound of praise and worship is beautifully encapsulated in their latest release, “Talkin About.” This song is more than just music; it’s an invitation to experience worship in its most heartfelt form, connecting believers through shared melodies and lyrics that resonate deeply with the soul.
“Talkin About” captures the essence of personal dialogue with God, combining uplifting instrumentals with rich harmonies that create an anthemic atmosphere. The repetition in the chorus encourages participation, making it perfect for congregational singing. With its powerful message and engaging sound, this track is sure to uplift and inspire. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience this moving piece of worship—listen to “Talkin About” on Spotify and join the Everywhere Worship community in celebrating the power of praise!
Connect with Everywhere Worship on Instagram: Creative Apostle Everywhere