Embark on a sonic odyssey with Ski Babi, the visionary DJ and electronic music producer behind the mesmerizing instrumental track, “Sweetheart.” Born Andrew Like and shaped by a diverse upbringing across three continents, Ski Babi’s musical journey is as eclectic as it is enchanting. Drawing inspiration from personal ethos rather than conventional influences, Ski Babi masterfully blends uplifting melodies and immersive beats to create a captivating sonic experience that transcends genre boundaries.
“Sweetheart” is a testament to Ski Babi’s unparalleled talent and artistic vision. With its welcoming arp lead, rolling bass line, and dynamic drum arrangements, the track invites listeners on a euphoric voyage of musical discovery. Whether you’re dancing the night away or seeking solace in its melodic embrace, “Sweetheart” promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul. So, take a leap into the sonic universe crafted by Ski Babi and let the music transport you to new realms of euphoria and imagination.
Connect with Ski Babi on Instagram @Andrew Like