John Modern, a mysterious yet undeniably talented figure from the sprawling urban landscape of Los Angeles, has been captivating listeners with his genre-blending sound and emotionally charged lyrics. Known for his multi-platinum songwriting and chart-topping hits across both the US and UK, Modern’s musical journey is one of reinvention and raw expression. With a past shrouded in speculation—rumors of ghostwriting for Good Charlotte or playing mellotron for LCD Soundsystem—John has always kept his true identity at the edge of mystery, allowing his music to speak for itself. His latest track, “Six Years Sober,” is a testament to his resilience and artistry, diving deep into themes of recovery, self-reflection, and personal growth.
“Six Years Sober” is a powerful and introspective anthem that blends vulnerability with strength, exploring the bittersweet journey of sobriety. The lyrics capture the internal battle of moving forward while carrying the weight of the past, and the music mirrors this complexity with an engaging, layered sound. It’s more than just a celebration of overcoming—it’s a reflection on the ongoing struggle that anyone who’s faced addiction can relate to. With its heart-wrenching yet empowering message, “Six Years Sober” is a must-listen for anyone looking for music that’s both deeply personal and universally resonant. Don’t miss out on this emotional journey—stream it now and experience the catharsis for yourself.