Music Reviews

Coming Through With Irresistibly Gorgeous Flair Its Nsy Roro With the Track “At the Top” Featuring the One and Only Juliussacred

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Nsy Roro Juliussacred At the Top

Becoming legendary in any industry is all about sustainability and after shocking the waves of mainstream hip hop and larger rap genre with his track “Christmas Shawty 2” this young prodigy Nsy Roro hailing from Ontario Canada has calibrated his musical asset production and is back again, this time featuring fellow rapper Juliussacred with an A-game type of track “At The Top”. And trust me they really are on top coming through with originality and triumphant rap-ability that smells of high excellence. The track is exploding with melodic maturity and has been consummately mixed and balanced with all the harmonic progressions blending in decorated allure to get a listener moving their body from their toes all the way up to moving your hands and head animatedly to its fabulous danceability.

Hard-hitting is a word you’d use and the way Nsy Roro and Juliussacred attack their respective verses is beyond any superficial understanding – try finding the word groundbreaking abundance and you’ll find this their lyrical performance on this track! The colorful beats have been visibly painted with atmospheric synths over the heavy bass, the kick-rollicking drums, and the dramatic 808’s. This track is bubbly, fun, and sophisticated to make any loved of high-energy sound vividly energized and profoundly touched.

Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"

The heavy and powerful vocal performance on display is a striking beauty to behold and the lyrical dexterity and prowess make way for a tangling enchantment that only the two artists afford designing a mystical wisp of fashionable aura that is surrounded with sustained elite-level masterful authenticity. As the evocative opening slapping beats of the rhythmic rays melt into the lush instrumentation, this 1 minute 52 seconds will have you moving excitedly, busting festive moves, and optimistic, truthful moves. The kind of moves we all long to bust with wild abandon, even if it is once in our lives.

Believe it or not, Nsy Roro is just 15 years old and he has promised himself and the world that he will show up at world-class, not just a month or even an entire year; he is preserving his A-game over a lifetime since he understands that longevity really is key to legendary and one of the main keys to his rise to iconic.  With such vision and wisdom at his side, he is set to overcome the violence of his excuses and avoid the knife blade of his past limits so that the great hero encoded within his soul meets the light of day. He is destined to become all that he’s meant to be and he is well on the right path to getting there. “At The Top” like all his other marvelous genre-bending tracks all available on all digital streaming platforms. Make sure to follow this industrial titan, stream his music, save to your favorites and share with the world. This is a generational talent we are witnessing right here!

Catch Up With Nsy Roro on:

Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie" Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie" Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie" Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"Established Hip Hop Artist ReachingNOVA Creates a Free-flowing Lyrical Course with His Single "C'est La Vie"

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