Music Reviews

On Being a Pianist in Kenya: Bright Dreams of Hope, Inspiration and Determination

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Cordelia Williams On Being a Pianist in Kenya

Each time you sit at the comfort of your home listening to the bright concentration of higher harmonic, the ambiance overflowing with rich melodies that has been manufactured with piano and skilled fingerprints, remember of the resiliency and the relieved dream that so many do not get to accomplish. This is the inspiring story of what it is being a Pianist in Kenya as Cordelia Williams takes us through this powerful documentary of the lengths pianist in Kenya have to undergo to at least achieve their dreams and some of the challenges they face along the way. In the end, there is so much hope for the classical music scene in Kenya and a viewer will be profoundly touched with their stories that are brimming with inspiration, hard work, passion, resiliency, and determination.

Mission essential for musical excellency and exponential productivity, holding their dreams under the limelight of a vast and scary unknown creating a near-mystical effect; all the pianist and violinist Williams interacted with did not have it easy in their quest to learn how to play these instruments. One of the biggest barriers is access to instruments and as it was pointed out professional tutors are also very few. Most of the classical enthusiasts are forced to seek help from the internet and they find it rough without anyone to monitor their progress and coach them appropriately. Holding their dreams against all odds they set out to accomplish the significant lessons they can muster.

Also Read: On Being a Pianist in Kenya – Against All Odds

The kind of insatiable thirst for knowledge about piano and music and how things fit together in harmony they exhibit will move you vividly as a most start from scratch and are self-taught seeing that they aren’t many classical schools for that, this is a stunningly innovative craft that has been largely ignored and even most people as Williams found out prefer to teach rather than pursue careers as professional pianist or instrumentalist seeing that that field does not pay. Williams stayed in Kenya for 6 months and with the help of Guildhall School of Music and Drama, they are looking at all the possibilities of scholarships to some of these enthusiasts so that they can sharpen their skills and make something out of it. Music is freedom and as one of the pioneers of Ghetto Classics which is a music school that teaches these kids how to play pointed out the future is bright in the world of classical music and it will be nothing short of a glittering future of colossus and metallic granular success. Watch her inspiring documentary and get inspired as you take this journey toward the fullest experience of your highest greatness, step by step, magic, and beauty as obvious as you now witness here will infuse your days and only accelerate with the moving determination on display and valuable lessons you will draw from this documentary.

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