Nestled in the outskirts of Oslo, Popkanon, a collective of talented songwriters and producers, has crafted a touching ode to family and legacy with their latest release, “Apple Tree.” This heartfelt composition not only celebrates the enduring presence of an apple tree that has stood for generations but also encapsulates the emotions tied to its imminent farewell. Recorded in a single, intimate session in the basement of their family home, the song captures raw, unfiltered emotion, enhanced by the vocal contributions of the lyricist’s wife and children. The decision to preserve the original recording underscores Popkanon’s commitment to authenticity, ensuring that every strum of the guitar and every vocal harmony resonates with genuine sentiment.
If you’re seeking a musical experience that merges folk sensibilities with a deeply personal narrative, look no further than “Apple Tree” by Popkanon. This song isn’t just about a tree; it’s a musical journey through family history, struggles, and enduring love. Stream “Apple Tree” today, immerse yourself in its evocative storytelling, and discover the power of music to capture life’s most poignant moments. Join Popkanon on their journey to preserve and celebrate the memories that shape us all.
Connect with Popkanon on Instagram: Popkanon